A lot of work can be unpleasant: unnecessary meetings, unreasonable bosses, enemy coworkers. But there are other aspects that are proven to meet employee needs: being part of a larger mission or the ability to work with a partner. PJ33 (Petaling Jaya) has some work and offices for you. 

The challenge for businesses trying to keep their best employees happy and thriving is to limit the unpleasant aspects while trying again at the ones that meet the needs. With studies showing how time-consuming and difficult talent search is for businesses, figuring out what candidates are looking for in a job is the first step to retaining the best.

Having A Helpful Life At Work

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Checking the inbox on your phone before bed has become just too easy, do small tasks like replying to emails or filing expenses on your holidays and receiving calls while on public transportation. Work culture often creates a feeling that this behavior is expected of employees to progress, so that they are not considered lazy or not committed enough. The idea was destructive and unproductive, for both employees and their managers — and understood to have sparked a great response and a strong awareness of simplicity.

Remember To Have Balanced Work and Life 

Of course, workers want to get good compensation for the work they do. But with work taking up more space in our lives, money is no longer the main aspect most people want in a job. A recent study by WeWork and The Aspen Institute’s Future of Work Initiative shows that the trait that employees so desperately want in the workplace is work-life balance. Forty percent of the 30,000 global workers surveyed for The Future of Work and Cities say work -life balance is most important for those who work, surpassing those who say wages (33 percent) and benefits (28 percent). This aspect is often said of opportunities for advancement, business prospects and leadership qualities.

Yes, You Should Really Consider Regarding Your Job As Well 

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While work-life balance can be seen as a vague phrase, have the space of time and emotions to separate work from one’s personal life — so that you can, as much as possible, have a satisfying balance between your time working and your time not working. For some, this may mean coming home just in time for dinner with family; for others, it’s watching a movie without being interrupted by a boss asking questions about an upcoming deadline.

Find Out About The Job You Are Looking For

Job Searching

The first thing you need to do is find out more about the job that suits you. Things to note are as follows:-

i) What job opportunities can you get based on your field.

ii) What skills or qualifications are required for this job and do you meet those criteria?

iii) Which company offers a job that suits you? – the information can be found on their official website or job search portals such as Jobstreet.com.